About Us
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2024-25 ISLANDER MIDDLE SCHOOL PTSA ROSTERAddress: 7447 84th Ave SE, Mercer Island, WA, 98040
Stephanie Burnett | president@imsptsa.org
SSALD Chair - Lisa Paladin | SSALD@imsptsa.org
MISF Liaison
Jennifer Crespi | presidentelect@imsptsa.org
Golden Acorn and Volunteer Awards
Enrichment & Supplemental Grants
Tasha Brown | secretary@imsptsa.org
Louise Farrell | treasurer@imsptsa.org
Mara McCune | treasurer@imsptsa.org
Co-VP Advocacy
Samantha Rubenfield | advocacy@imsptsa.org
Co-VP Communications
Robin Pearson | communications@imsptsa.org
Eileen Cheshire | communications@imsptsa.org
IMS Monthly Newsletter | editor@imsptsa.org
Email Blasts for Events | editor@imsptsa.org
Directory | directory@imsptsa.org
Co-VP Community Building & Events
Charlene Matukaitis | community@imsptsa.org
Tricia Jaffe | community@imsptsa.org
Welcome Coffee
6th Grade Welcome Event
8th Grade Promotion
8th Grade Party
Mandarin Outreach Event
Community Event
Co-VP Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Cathy Chen | diversity@imsptsa.org
Caroline Muroki | cmuroki@gmail.com
Co-VP Enrichment
Melissa Danielli | enrichment@imsptsa.org
Yen-Ling Lee | enrichment@imsptsa.org
Parent Edge - Jackie Tan and Michele Agosti | MIparentedge@gmail.com
Reflections - Chloe Eunyoung Choe, Hyo-Yang Ahn-White, Eunice Kim, | reflections@imsptsa.org
Gator Treats
Spelling Bee
Co-VP Fundraising
Sarah Akhtar Cooper | fundraising@imsptsa.org
Ojaswani Suley | fundraising@imsptsa.org
Matching Gift Chair
Island Books Night
IMS Spirit Wear | spiritwear@imsptsa.org
Co-VP Operations
Jessie Bronson | operations@imsptsa.org
Jessica Moch | operations@imsptsa.org
Back2School Day
Library Liaison
Health Screening
Copy Corp
Co-VP Staff Appreciation
Jill Sharpe | staffappreciation@imsptsa.org
Kim Thomas | staffappreciation@imsptsa.org
Staff Welcome Breakfast and Lunch
Monthly Staff Appreciation Lunches
Staff Appreciation Month May
SSALD Chair - Lisa Paladin | SSALD@imsptsa.org
MISF Liaison